Sunday, December 2, 2007

#23 the end of life as we know it

Things will never be the same. I was unaware of how much 'work' would be involved in this blog. I also feel as though I have barely scraped the surface of some of the web 2.0 things.

I may have to be surgically removed from my computer.

I have to congratulate the designers of the program as it has been excellently put together. I probably would not have come across so much material by myself. My fellow bloggers have done some amazing work on their blogs - wow!

Favourite exercises:

  • I'd never made a blog before so just signing up, posting and customising my layout etc was really helpful. It doesn't seem so weird when everyone around you is doing it.
  • I'll be using rollyo more often to search for that special recipe
  • I have uploaded my bookmarks to and have to go through and tag them - eeek
  • I have some wikiplay to do with PBwiki or wetpaint
Unexpected outcomes

  • I enjoyed it more than I thought I would
  • My head did not explode
  • I learnt heaps
  • My computer didn't crash
  • I like blogging - sort of
  • I have a world of ideas that I would like to pursue
Improvements to the program

  • Some sites were inaccessible from Boroondara computers - perhaps allowing participants to use these sites for a limited time might be a good idea.
  • If more time were allowed to complete the program participants could go into more detail.
  • Perhaps you should have to complete 18 out of 23. Not all of the features appealed to me and I know some people are bogged down with one particular exercise. Instead of it being a hoop to jump through perhaps they could just leave it and move on.
Here are more things I want to do


Polyxena said...

Ros, you should have been able to access all the sites at Boroondara. IT made special arrangements for us to do so. You had to go into the internet via a specific Citrix interface which you needed to get the Helpdesk to set up for you. All sites should then have been available. Were you not able to do this?

Flogger said...

My apologies. I did not know that I could do this. I must have missed this in the instructions in the beginning. It's great that IT had done this for those with no computers at home but I did a lot at home because I wanted to spend quite a bit of time on things. Thanks for the information!