Saturday, October 6, 2007

Flickr #5 roostering away

Originally uploaded by pozzle
This is a rooster I met at Hanging Rock winery. It was very obnoxious, which is what you really need in a rooster. It came right into the tasting room and stood there as though demanding its glass of Reisling (it's a well known fact that rooster hate Chardonnay, they have quite good palates).

Anyway, eventually the owner told Mr Rooster he should leave and set the blue heeler onto him. Mr Bluey edged cautiously toward Mr Rooster and there looked like there was going to be a fight. But luckily Mr Rooster plipp plopped off (in that chicken way) to ber-gerk at his hens.

1 comment:

Learning 2.0 administrator said...

Mr Rooster should meet my psycho bantam Big Mama- that'd be a sight!
Welcome to the program and I hope you enjoy it!